New Jersey: Time to start tomato seeds indoors

Ramapo tomatoes on the vine / Photo by Peter Nitzsche Anticipation of the flavor of home-grown tomatoes gets many a novice into the garden, and if you are planning tomatoes started from seed in central New Jersey, it's almost time to get things growing inside.
The tomato experts at Rutgers Cooperative Extension tell us that May 15 is typically the date when the danger of frost has passed and it's safe to begin planting outdoors. For Jersey tomatoes, that means planting nursery-grown seedlings or seedlings you've started from seed yourself indoors.
And since plants started from seed need about six weeks of growing time, the time to begin is coming up. Don't be too eager to get going, however. "Starting seedlings too early is worse than starting late in the season," says Bill Hlubik, Rutgers professor and director of the Middlesex County extension and EARTH Center. "It is better to have seedlings smaller and stocky when set out for planting," he says. Seeds started too early indoors can produce thin, spindly seedlings, risking weak growth outside.
If you want real Jersey tomatoes, consider ordering Ramapo tomato seeds or the classic hybrid, KC-146, both available from Rutgers. First released in 1956, the processing tomato dubbed KC-146 was developed in New Jersey by Campbell's Soup Company to resist wilt and cracking while delivering exceptional flavor.
Rutgers' New Jersey Agricultural Experiment Station has embarked on a project called "Rediscovering the Jersey Tomato." Its aim is to "refocus research and extension effort on Jersey Tomato flavor." As part of the project, the extension encourages home-growing of New Jersey tomatoes such as Moreton, offering seeds for outstanding varieties.
Seeds for Ramapo and Campbell's 146 can be ordered by printing out the online order form. Moreton seeds can be purchased through Harris Seeds. The Rutgers seeds have been taking about two weeks to be delivered, so ordering immediately would give enough time to grow healthy seedlings indoors and transplant them in the garden after frost danger has passed.
Buy Rutgers tomato seedlings
Not ready to take on the challenge of indoor seed-starting? Jersey tomato seedlings also will be available at upcoming Rutgers plant sales. At Rutgers Day on April 27, master gardeners will include Jersey tomato seedlings among the plants on offer during the event, which runs 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. at the Cook College campus in New Brunswick.
On May 4, Rutgers Master Gardeners will hold a plant sale from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. at the 4-H Youth Center, 645 Cranbury Road, East Brunswick.
The Spring Garden Fair and Plant Sale at Watchung Reservation's Trailside Nature and Science Center will be held from noon to 5 p.m. on May 19. Rutgers Master Gardeners will be offering numerous plants, lots of information and gardening advice.
In addition to the plants sold, the events will provide home gardeners with opportunities to learn about best gardening practices and have their questions answered by master gardeners and Rutgers experts.
Rutgers Cooperative Extension also offers numerous online resources for tomato growers, including guidance for starting vegetable seeds indoors. To help decide which tomato is best for your garden, consult the extensive database of tomato varieties with descriptions and images.