N.J. outdoor yoga: summer classes in Union County, many free

Yoga in the Garden at Reeves-Reed Arboretum in Summit.Salute the sun with an outdoor yoga session on summer's first day tomorrow, and then take yoga practice right through summer with many free opportunities to stretch out at Union County parks and limber up to dance beneath the stars.
Summit: Summer outdoor yoga sessions across Union County start tomorrow with Yoga in the Garden at 7 p.m. at Reeves-Reed Arboretum in Summit. Celebrate the June 20 Summer Solstice with Sun Salutation Flow led by Claire Diab, the arboretum's yoga specialist and founder of The American Yoga Academy Studio in Summit. A $20 donation is requested upon arrival. Reeves-Reed Arboretum is located at 165 Hobart Ave., Summit. Visit Reeves-ReedArboretum.org for more information.
Cranford: Hanson Park Conservancy, 220 Walnut Ave., will be the setting for Yoga for Everyone sessions on Wednesdays at 6 p.m. and Saturdays at 10:30 a.m. There is a $10 suggested donation. Visit Cranford.com and HansonParkConservancy.com or call (908) 709.-283. Check YogaToGoNJ.com for community yoga sessions in other areas of the county, including Fanwood, Scotch Plains and Springfield.
Mountainside: Starting June 29, and on every Wednesday in July, those attending Union County's free summer concerts at Echo Lake Park will have an opportunity to enjoy free Yoga in the Park classes starting at 6:30 p.m. before each 7:30 p.m. concert.
Clark: Yoga in the Park continues on Wednesdays at 6:30 p.m. from Aug. 3 through Aug. 24 at Oak Ridge Park. Each yoga session will be led by instructors from area yoga or fitness centers. See the full yoga and concert schedule at UCNJ.org/calendar.
Elizabeth: On July 19, kids can try out yoga at 7:30 p.m. at Warinaco Park. Yoga is among the fun fitness sessions planned before Tuesday night family movies running July 12, 19 and 26, and Aug. 9. Each week there's a different fitness session, including cross-fit, Zumba and karate. See the full ftness and movie schedule at UCNJ.org/summer.
Participants should bring a yoga mat and water for the yoga sessions, and a blanket of lawn chairs for the concerts.
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